Mr. Ravi Kumar Chaudhury and Mrs. Kamal from Moradabad, UP who were Struggling against infertility blessed with twin baby boys after 9 years of marriage through Zenesis IVF centre in Jalandar on 21st Dec 2020. Their situation deteriorated further when among the two one baby Raghav who is 9 months old has been diagnosed with PDA as per Zenesis IVF centre. The doctor of IVF centre suggests them to get treatment from Delhi. In fact, the doctor had told his parents that he would need surgery to be able to survive and lead a normal life. His health condition had left his parents extremely worried, and Raghav’s recurring episodes were nothing less than a nightmare for them. Scared and anxious, they visited a doctor who suggested to go for a ECHO test. The total amount of money they spent in IVF process was around 10 lacs. Despite financial constraints they immediately started the treatment in Moradabad but his situation didn’t improve, and he was still struggling with his health. Based on the financial status the doctor of Moradabad refers them to CHF. They soon visited CHF centre on 20th Aug 2021. After a thorough check up, Dr. Kohli advised them for surgery as he would need on priority basis.
CHF is happy to share with everyone that Raghav is absolutely fine and is doing great post-surgery. His parents are very happy to see his condition improve. All his previous symptoms like vomiting, nervousness, palpitations are no longer there and he is leading a healthy life. Thank you for all your love and support.