Naba is four years old and has been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease called Complex Cyanotic. The parents are worried as her condition is critical and the symptoms are only getting aggravated with time.
The doctors had already informed Naba’s parents during the fetal echo that she would have a CHD. The symptoms persisted after her birth and with time, have only gotten worse. She cannot play or run freely as she immediately gets breathing problems. Her nails turn blue, and she has also fainted a couple of times.
Naba’s family got to know about Child Heart Foundation through another doctor. When they finally visited the centre, Dr. Vikas Kohli counselled the family and shared the diagnosis. She needs Cath & Glenn, and the estimated cost is Rs. 4,00,000.
It's difficult for the family to raise money on their own and get Naba treated. She got registered under the HRIDAAN programme and the team raised her funds for the treatment costs.On 8th April, 2022, Naba got her GLENN surgery done successfully and she was discharged. She has come for follow-up and after a thorough examination by Dr. Vikas Kohli, its safe and joy to say that Nana is healing and getting back to normal.
Naba's father couldn't hide his joy and thank us profoundly especially Dr. Vikas Kohli for handling holding during and even after the surgery.