"Hope and Healing: The Heartwarming Journey of Piu Das"

Piu Das, a vivacious little girl born into a modest family in West Bengal, exuded joy and laughter wherever she went. But at just 1.8 years old, her parents noticed that she struggled to catch her breath, and her once-bright spirit began to dim.

After consulting with dr. Vikas Kohli, Piu's parents were heartbroken to learn that she had an Unbalanced AV Canal, a condition that threatened to rob their daughter of her childhood. Oxygen-poor blood was mixing with oxygen-rich blood, leaving Piu struggling to function and breathe properly.

dr. Kohli explained that Piu needed immediate treatment, beginning with a BT Shunt which will cost around 4lacs, to increase the oxygen in her body. But the road ahead was long and arduous, and Piu's parents worried about how they would afford the costly medical bills.

Their fears were assuaged when they learned about the Child Heart Foundation, an altruistic organization devoted to helping children with heart conditions. The foundation rallied around Piu, working tirelessly to raise funds for her life-saving surgery. Through fundraising events, donor outreach, and social media campaigns, the foundation's efforts garnered hope and promise for Piu's recovery.

Every penny counts in the race against time to save Piu's life, and the Child Heart Foundation's unwavering commitment to the cause is a testament to the power of human kindness and compassion. May Piu's journey be one of healing, strength, and renewed joy.